Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Picture copyright of ~lilcatty
Link: Nostalgia)

She remembers

The memories brought back by the sound of a song
Familiar beat brushing by like melodies of butterfly wings
As feathers drift down from a sky gone black
The white hem of her gown brushes by
And she is gone again, candle in her hand.

She remembers

The feelings that come from yesterdays' tomorrow
The way warmth surrounded her like arms around corpses
Nostalgic, the feeling of love
That she clutches tight in her bosom
To make memories fall like rain
That drifts from the blue of her eyes

She remembers

That love was once yesterday and is always today
That the memory of him will linger and last
To flutter on the wind of her breaths
Even as her hands reach for something
Grasping, reaching, twisting
Knowing that it is but empty air

She remembers

Wide-spread sheets of white
In dim, cold hallways of home
Alone yet not, wanderer or companion
Memories of a rose long forgotten,
Of a garden lost in time
Of someone she could call home

She remembers

That memories linger
And rain will always fall to turn the stained glass grey
Cold will come, and warmth
Pain, then joy
Sadness and comfort
Tears with smiles

And a hand will reach out for hers.

~Stephanie Yeow~
~5th January 2010~